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Praga, stolica Czech, jest miastem magicznym i tego się nie da ukryć. Tak jak to w przypadku wielkich miast, podzieliłem Pragę na kilka części - tym razem będą się odcinki łączyć w jeden długi spacer. Zaczynamy od Malej Strany.
Prague, the capitol of Czech Republic is a magic city and you can't hide that. As in case of all big cities, I've divided Prague into some parts, which would be connected in one long walk. We start from Mala Strana.

The beginning of the walk is in Dlabacov Street.

Zbudowany w 1603-12 wg proj. G. Fillipiego, jako wotum za ocalenie od zarazy. Dziś jest to sala wystawowa.
St. Roch church
Built in 1603-12 designed by G. Fillipi as a thanks for saving from epidemy. Today it's an exhibition room.

Gate into Strahov.

Strahovska Street.

Hladova Zed - Hunger Wall - Charles IV surrounded Mala Strana with that.

Crucifics in Hladova Zed.

Caves in Mala Strana.

Way of Sorrow leading to St. Lawrence church.

Petřínská rozhledna, the smaller copy of Eiffel Tower, made in 1891 for Jubilee Exhibition. It's 60 meters hall and it's excellent viewing point.

A view on Hradcany.

Hradcany, Veltins and Josefov.

Jest to główna świątynia starokatolicka w Czechach, zbudowana w 991 roku.
St. Lawrence church
It's the main Czech oldcatholic church, built in 991.

Gazebo near the tower.

St. Lawrence church.

Mirror maze.

Entrance to Strahov.

St. Mary church in Strahov.

Monastery in Strahov, made in 1140 for Benedictines, founded by Vladislav II. The same year they were swapped for Premonstratensian, who stay here till this day.