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Święty Krzyż mieści się na Łysej Górze w górach Świętokrzyskich, na wysokości 594 m n.p.m. Łysa Góra to część Łysogór, objętych ochroną w ramach Świętokrzyskiego Parku Narodowego. W okresie wczesnego średniowiecza istniał tu ośrodek kultu pogańskiego, oddawano cześć Lelumowi, Polumowi, Światowidowi, Świstowi i według legend odbywały się tu słynne sabaty czarownic. W 1006 Bolesław Chrobry założył tu opactwo benedyktyńskie i od tej pory postrzeganie św. Krzyża się zmieniło diametralnie. Dziś przez górę przechodzi bardzo uczęszczany szlak turystyczny i jest to miejsce pielgrzymek katolickich. Od tego miejsca wzięły swą nazwę całe góry Świętokrzyskie.
Święty Krzyż (St. Cross) is located on Łysa Góra (Bald Mountain) in Świętokrzyskie mountains, at height of 594 meters. Łysa Góra is a part of Łysogóry, protected as Świętokrzyski National Park. In early middleages there was a point of pagan cult, dedicated to Lelum, Polum, Światowid, Świst and other Slovian gods. According to the legends, there were some famous witches' sabbaths. But when 1006Polish king Bolesław Chrobry settled here a monastery, it changed completely. Currently, there's a tourist path crossing the mountain and it's a place for pilgrims. The whole Świętokrzyskie Mountains (St. Cross Mountains) took the name from here.

A way to Nowa Słupia

Way of Sorrows on a path

Great oak, a monument of nature.

Stony path to the top.

A chapel near the monastery.

Monastery with a church of St. Cross.

In XIV c. thge remains of Holy Cross were brought here by St. Emeric. The monastery changed the name and it started to be a place for pilgrims. Monastery was plundered and conquered during the ages, but due to the generosity of many founders it was still working. After the partitions Russians closed the monastery and in 1819 they gave it away to the state. In 1864 Russians put a prison here and it worked here till 1939, from 1918 as Polish jail. In 1961 the prison was replaced by the management of Świętokrzyski National Park and the Missionary Oblats.

In 1936 Missionary Oblates came here, trying to renovate the monastery, but the war crossed the plans. Nazis put here the concentration camp for Russian soldiers, killling about 8000 of them.


A chapel with remains of the Holy Cross


TV Tower, made in 1966. It's 157 meters high.

Pagan cult wall.

Three Crosses of Katyń

Stone Run
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