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Zawóz to stara bieszczadzka wieś, lokowana w 1498. Kiedy w 1968 zalano tereny Zalewem Solińskim, część wsi znalazło się pod wodą. Dziś jest to niewielka wioska, znana bardziej z agroturystyki.
Zawóz is an old village in Bieszczady Mountains, located in the 1498. When in 1968 they quenched Solina Bay area, a big part of the village got under water. Today it is a small village, known more from tourism.

A view on a bay in Solina.

A chapel.

A church from 1971, built on the ruins of old orthodox church of St. Parsekwia from the half of XIX w c.

Interior of the church.

Next to the church there is a small, old orthodox cemetary

Ruins of the orthodox chapel of Care of God's Mother, built over a source that was believed to be a place of miracles.

Solińskie Lake

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