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Sztutowo to spora, ale senna miejscowość nad morzem. Nie ma tu wielu ośrodków jak w Krynicy, nie ma promenady jak w Stegnie, do morza trzeba trochę dojść... Sztutowo w XV w. stanowiło krzyżackie stajne, stąd zresztą nazwa: Stutt hof - eine grosse Stutt: duża stajnia. Potem wieś przeszła w ręce Gdańszczan. W XVII i XVIII w. była to wieś graniczna z Prusami. W XX w. hitlerowcy rozsławili nazwę, umieszczając tu spory obóz koncentracyjny. Dziś jest to spokojne letnisko.
Sztutowo is quite big, but very sleepy place at the seaside. There ain't so many hotels as in Krynica, there ain't no promenade with shops like in Stegna, there's about 2 km from the village to the sea shore... Sztutowo was a big stable for the Teutonic Knights in XV c. and it took the name from it: eine grosse Stutt - the big stable. Then the village was in the hands of Gdańsk rich citizens. In XVII and XVIII c. it was a border village with Prussia. In the XX c. nazis made the name famous, putting here a concentration camp. Right now it's a very calm summer village.
St. Wojciech's church from 1947.

Po drodze nad morze ze wsi mieści się rezerwat kormoranów. Po wejściu w las, łatwo go poznać po uschniętych od odchodów kikutów drzew i po... zapachu.
Cormorants' ring.
On the way from the village to the sea, there's a cormorants' reservation park. After getting into the forrest, u can find it easily, looking for the sad leftovers of the trees and ... the terrible smell...

Cormorants are everywhere.

Obóz założono w 1939 i już 2.09.1939 przywieziono tu pierwszych więźniów z Gdańska. Ten budynek powstał w 1940.
KL Stutthof Commandor's building.
The camp was settled in 1939 and on the 2nd of September 1939 first prisoners was sent here from gdańsk. this building was built in 1940.

Do 1940 powstało 10 baraków, czyli Stary Obóz, w którym do 1942 znajdowało się do 4.000 osób. Potem zbudowano tzw. Nowy Obóz z 30 barakami. Przetrzymywano tu ludzi z całej Europy: Polski, Rosji, Łotwy, Litwy, Estonii, Białorusi, Ukrainy, Jugosławii, Czech, Słowacji, Francji, Włoch, Danii, Norwegii, Finlandii, Holandii, Belgii i Hiszpanii.
Till 1940 nazis raised 10 barracks - that was the Old Camp, where 4.000 people was put in untill 1942. Then they built New Camp with 30 barracks. There were people from all over Europe: Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine, Jugoslavia, Czech Rep., Slovakia, Frnace, Italy, Denmark, Norway, Finland, the Netherlands, belgium and Spain.
Toilet in the barracks.
Bedroom in the barrack.
Guards' tower.
Oven - crematory, where the dead Jewish people were burnt up. It was working till 1942.
Wagons, which was used to bring the prisoners here.
Dzieło W. Tołkina z 1968.
The Monument of the Struggle and Martyrology.
Made by W. Tolkin in 1968.
Untill 1944 about 65.000 people died here, next 20.000 died during the evacuation of the camp in 1945.
In the summer 1944 nazis brought here 47.000 of Jews from the ghetto in Łódź.
The place of burning up the dead bodies is in the forrest, a few meters outside of the camp.
Sztutowo warto odiwedzic z dwóch wzgledów. Pierwszy to piekna plaża i spokój miejscowości, bez hałasu i tłumów. Zaleźć tu można kilka 100-letnich chałup nawet drewnianych, jedną nawet 200-letnią... No i warto pamietać o obozie i odwiedzić go.
Sztutowo is worth visiting because of two resons. First it's got a beautiful beach and it's very calm, without crowds and noise. You can find some old houses, 100 and even 200 years old, even wooden ones. And the second reason is the concentration camp and we should remember it.
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