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Wigry to niewielka wieś na Suwalszczyźnie, z mocnym akcentem na 'niewielka', bo mieszka to ze 30 osób. Jednak nazwę Wigry zna prawie każdy Polak. Wieś słynie ze sporego klasztoru karmelickiego.
Wigry is a small village in Suwalszczyzna, with a strong stress on 'small', because it's really tiny - about 30 people live here. But the name knows almost everyone in Poland. It's famous because of big Camaldolese monastry.
Camaldoleses were brought here in 1667 by the king Jan II Kazimierz, and they started to build the monastery in 1671, along with 17 erems. From the entrance on the island, connected with the land with a special dyke. They built clock tower, guesthouse, king's house, gateman's house and other buildings and cellars. On the west end of the island they installed a botanical garden and on the south end - zoo. They also put fish into the lake's bay.
The church was built in 1694-1745 by Pietro Pucini.
In 1800 Prussians took the monastery away. The poor priests from the village tried to look after the buildings, but they didn't manage. Buildings ruined. The cellars with monks' bier, wine and mead collapsed. The liquid goods have to be there till this day :)
Monastery and the church were rebuilt after the II world war and they put here the House of Work. In the walls they found people's remains that were over 200 years old!
A view on erems, church and the garden
The Saints
It's a really beautiful place, recommended to visit.
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