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Beniaminów to mała wioska nad Zalewem Zegrzyńskim, zaraz za Białobrzegami. Nie dojeżdżając do samej wsi, zaraz za ostrym zakrętem wyłaniają się ruiny starego fortu, należącego do pierścienia Modlińskiego.
Beniaminów is a small village on the shore of Zegrzyńskie Lake, behind Białobrzegi. Before the village itself, passing a sharp turn, there are ruins of an old Russian fort from Modlin Fortress Ring.

They started to build the fort in the beginning of XX c according to the design of engineer Wieliczka, but they have never finished it. It was unarmed in 1913.

The fort has got 5 angles, connected with poterns and a dry moat. There're barracks in the photo.

During the I world war there were Polish officers kept. In 1944, when the Red Army took the fort, they blew it up partially.

The fort is private property, but you can come here and see the fort and walk through the corridors. Remember to take the flashlight!!

There are paintball fights and climbing here.
Middle of the fort.

Ideal place for one-day trip :)
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