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Cesenatico to niewielkie (ok. 20000 mieszkańców) miasto portowe niedaleko Rimini, zaraz nad samym Adriatykiem w regionie Emilia-Romagna. Miasto powstało w 1302 jako część Ceseny, ale w XVIII w. się oddzieliło. Dziś jest to miły resort wypoczynkowy, niestety często pomijany w przewodnikach. Błąd.
Cesenatico is a small (20000 inhabitants) port town near Rimini on the shore of Adriatic sea in Emilia-Romagna region. The town was found in 1302 as a part of Cesena city, but it parted in XVIII c. Today it's a very nice holiday resort. Unfortunately it's omitted in most guides and this is a mistake.
Garibaldi's monument in something like a main square of the town.
Most i kolumny wzdłuż kanału, gdzie cumują łodzie i jachty, a nad którym są najlepsze knajpki.
The bridge and columns along the channel, where boats and yachts are waiting. There are the best restaurants and cafes here.
The theatre.
Na kanale, zaprojektowanym wraz z portem w 1500 przez samego Leonardo da Vinci, stoją łodzie, należące do miejscowego muzeum. Wejść można tylko na jedna z nich, ale trzeba kupić bilet do muzeum. jest dość ciekawe, więc warto. Kościółek stoi tu od XVIII w.
On the waters of channel, which was designed with a port in 1500 by Leoanardo da Vinci himself, there are old boats, belonging to the local museum. You can enter them only with a ticket for a museum; it's quite interesting so it's worth it. The church is from XVIII c.
Zabudowa centrum miasteczka.
One of town's buildings.

The bridge and columns along the channel, where boats and yachts are waiting. There are the best restaurants and cafes here.

The theatre.

On the waters of channel, which was designed with a port in 1500 by Leoanardo da Vinci himself, there are old boats, belonging to the local museum. You can enter them only with a ticket for a museum; it's quite interesting so it's worth it. The church is from XVIII c.

One of town's buildings.
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